
Showing posts from 2020

COVID-19 & after, we shall overcome but we have a role...

Well, I know this being subject in the globe we have more to discuss.  However, let me incline to faith matters. From the day that a mother shakes her head at her baby and says to them, “No, no,” that child begins to learn that there are some things they should not do. As they grow older, they learn that there are some things which they may be tempted to do, but which they know they should not do; and there are other things which they should do, and they are tempted to neglect doing. If children persist in being disobedient, there comes a time when even the most patient father must discipline them. In fact, it is the duty of parents who love their children to be kind enough to chastise them when they need it, for the good of the children in time to come. I will not say you are blind or not sensitive if by now nothing has struck your mind to go beyond natural life to begin thinking about our Christian lives for those who identify ourselves as such.  God, who is also a kind and loving F