COVID-19 & after, we shall overcome but we have a role...

Well, I know this being subject in the globe we have more to discuss.  However, let me incline to faith matters. From the day that a mother shakes her head at her baby and says to them, “No, no,” that child begins to learn that there are some things they should not do. As they grow older, they learn that there are some things which they may be tempted to do, but which they know they should not do; and there are other things which they should do, and they are tempted to neglect doing.
If children persist in being disobedient, there comes a time when even the most patient father must discipline them. In fact, it is the duty of parents who love their children to be kind enough to chastise them when they need it, for the good of the children in time to come.
I will not say you are blind or not sensitive if by now nothing has struck your mind to go beyond natural life to begin thinking about our Christian lives for those who identify ourselves as such.
 God, who is also a kind and loving Father to His children, is good to those who obey Him; but like an earthly father, He must correct/chastise His children, when they need it. The question is, when is the the threshhold reached?
Shortly, let's review the instructions that God had given the Children of Israel, which they didn't keep/obey despite His warnings. He rescued them from the oppressive regime of Pharaoh in Egypt and proved to them that He was their God. He had very clearly said, “You shall have no other gods before me”Exodus:20:3. They broke this commandment many times; they served & worshiped other gods, which were only images and idols; Exodus 32:1; 1Kings12:28. . “And there they burnt incense in all the high places, as did the heathen . . . and wrought wicked things to provoke the LORD to anger” [2 Kings:17:11]). God had said, “Ye shall not do this thing” 2 Kings:17:12

What I am driving to is this; basically what is happening is replica of Israelites' experience. In our civilized globe people do not bow down to idols of wood and stone. However, you & I know any person or any thing which comes between us and God is an idol in our life. Things that could be called idolatry  in our dispensasion are our jobs, families, relationships, the coffees that we like, birthday parties, baby showers, chamas, political alienation & ideologies, greed for power that lead assassinations e.t.c.
There came a time in the  Bible times that God's wrath rose against Israelites' in the wilderness and God sent venomous snakes that bit them and many of them died; Numbers 21:6,  and Moses had to plead with God  for the Israelites, of course after they went to Moses and  repented ..."we sinned when we spoke against the Lord..." Numbers 21: 7 and God had mercy on them Exodus 21: 8-9.
That said, with outbreak of covid-19, your guess is just as good as mine. Bravo to all Heads of State who have called  for National Prayers and Repentance in their countries. As Christians, we have a mandate to pause and meditate over the following:
 i)  Which assignment did God give you & I that we have not done/accomplished?
ii) Which people were we supposed impact by our Christian lives yet we have led them astray?
iii) In that organization we are in, are we known as Christians?  Are we different from them that are not  guided by Christian principles? As they run for those "good deals" are we also in them? As they fake those payments to earn extra coin, are we part of them? As people enter into relationships, exchange their bodies in favor of promotions,gifts, big cars, are Christians part of this? We have had many  scandals particularly in Kenya; NYS, NHIF, Afya House, among others do we have people called by God's name in the midst of all these?
iv) Greed for power; we have witnessed  widespread political unrest, leaders clinging to power by all means,  what is our position as church in all this?

As we reflect on the above, you will find that you & I can be traced in some of above and sincerely we have a duty to repent and change our ways. I pray we ask ourselves this question;  yes we will pray and our merciful God will lift away the current pandemic but will it be life as usual after this? It will be wrong if after COVID-19, we will just relax and go back to our comfort zone and continue doing all evils  mentioned above. It's the high time we changed our ways. The signs we see are no doubt fulfillment of times for His second coming.

Remember to: Sanitize, Wash your hands regularly, keep distance, keep observant of any sign & symptoms, stay at Home & Let's pray God to lift this from us. He has promised to hear, forgive us and heal our land if we humble & turn away from our wicked ways...2 Chronicles 7:14

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